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Provide Your Information

This website shows samples of different features we can implement on the website.

HLC Update
For the HLC Update there are 2 items that need updating for each department website: If the content already exists you can reword to match the below bullets or else you need to add the content for the 6 bullets. You may have more items than the 6, but the 6 are required for HLC compliance.

Right Hand Navigation

Department house
  • Courses & Catalog
  • Degree Requirements
  • Department Handbook
  • Faculty
  • FAQs
  • Program & Career Highlights


Landing Page

  1. Program description: overview
  2. Career pathways*
  3. Student testimonials: video or picture with quote** and assessment link
  4. Call to Action: Request more information; apply now, etc.*
  5. Program contacts: Phone, email (Not needed if you added in your Right hand Nav)
  6. Degrees
  7. Degrees Accreditation & outcomes: Results of examinations/licensure
  8. Distinguishing features: e.g. student/faculty ratio*
  9. Career Placement Statistic:link to IBHE major study database


**Required by August 29

No Star: Required by July 15



All websites need to



  • outdated material
  • any dates that are not needed and could make the site look outdated. in future
  • excessive and repetitive wording


  • all verbiage to be clear, concise and conistent
  • any broken links


  • any photos or items that promote the success of CSU programs


Other Links


Websupport Proofing Process Before Releasing to Marketing

Check For:

  1. .pcf that are unused, get approval to remove them
  2. Broken links on web pages
  3. Search results that are broken
  4. Errors in spelling or content