Essence Smart
Student Trustee
Platform Statement
My name is Essence Smart. I’m a third year psychology major and campus resident here
at THE Chicago State University. Also, I am the current President of C.A.B. and a
CSU cheerleader. As a student here, I have always strived for the best college experience.
I came to college right out of high school with eagerness to see what my new university
had to offer. Throughout the years, I have experienced CSU in an eye-opening way.
I want the best out of my college experience and I know that my peers feel the same
way. As the student representative to the Board of Trustees, I will continue to voice
the opinions of the students, and I will use this platform to continue the encouragement
of student involvement and leadership at THE Chicago State University. Student moral
is something I feel strongly about and I believe we all deserve a great college experience.
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