Creating an Organization

If you are unable to find a student organization that fits your particular interests, or you have a great idea for a new and unique organization, then you have the option to start your own organization. There are specific guidelines to be followed in order for your new organization to become official.

Steps To Becoming a Student Organization

Tip: Before you begin, ask yourself, “how does my proposed student organization differ from what is already offered on the CSU campus?” The CSU Student Government Association does not recognize or support student organizations that double or duplicate the efforts of currently existing organizations.

  1. Before an organization can be created, you must have a president, treasurer, and a faculty/staff advisor. You must also have a minimum of 5 people to begin a student organization. It is recommended that you consider additional leadership roles to ensure you have a fully functioning executive board (Vice President, Secretary, etc.) You must also have a constitution and bylaws for your organization. You can find a sample constitution on the Forms and Policies Page (To be added).
  2. Click Here to Register your organization.
  3. Upon your submission of your student organization registration, the president and/or treasurer of your new student organization must schedule a meeting with the vice president of the Student Government Association. You can contact the Student Government Association office at in order to schedule an appointment.